What is the Alexander Technique?

It is a technique designed to help you function optimally in an integrated way to improve your posture and the quality of your movements by engaging both your mind and body. It can be done either through a gentle hands-on process and/or a verbal process of kinesthetic re-education. Standing, sitting and moving become easy; pain decreases or disappears. As a result, your energy level increases and your overall health improves.

The Body Intelligence Activation Process™ or BIA Process™ takes this mind/body work to another dimension by expanding it to a mind, body, heart, and soul experience. It focuses on presence and the universal oneness of all things. For more on this process, go to:

At this point in time, it is best taught individually either in person or online. People can get a jumpstart with online courses and group teaching knowing that the Alexander Technique is a method for:

  • calming down
  • finding your center
  • grounding your being
  • breathing more freely
  • trusting your instincts
  • freeing your voice
  • improving your body image
  • moving more freely
  • letting go of harmful habits
  • easing RSI and other pain
  • exploring the unknown
  • easing physical tension
  • taking care of yourself
  • enjoying the present moment
Alexander Technique Video


You can also view the 20-minute video illustrating why the Alexander Technique has become a necessity for most people in our current society. It includes a brief old footage of F. M. Alexander although it is mostly capturing scenes of our modern life showing why we need this work.