Coaching for Effortless Good Posture AND MIND/BODY BALANCE
Sessions come in different formats: Private or groups, and in-person or online.
They all focus on the same teaching which is to help students experience and assimilate “Integrated Functioning” to reduce, eliminate or prevent their chronic tension or pain through self-discovery and self-love. By the end of a first session, a student usually gets an experience of effortless good posture, increased height and ease of movement, as well as a sense of peace and wellbeing.
During a private in-person session, Cécile spends time giving only verbal feedback to empower her students and she also uses gentle hands-on guidance as needed when sessions are in person.
A student spends the first part of a session being guided through simple activities such as getting in and out of a chair, bending, sitting, walking, getting up after lying down, or addressing relevant activities such as working with a computer or playing a musical instrument. The second part of an in-person session the student is lying down on a massage table where teachings are reinforced both verbally and non-verbally.
When the private lesson is online, Cécile focuses on the verbal feedback to guide her students in the first part and during the second part of the session, she guides students in her unique “Mindful Movements for Poise & Health” sequence lying down on a yoga mat or carpeted area.
This movement sequence is designed to remind the student’s mind and body how to move more naturally as an integrated whole which helps reduce, eliminate or prevent chronic tension or pain. They also receive a recording of the session for further viewing which is quite helpful as the student can see himself/herself from a different perspective than the one experienced in their session. They can also notice more objectively the difference in their movements and posture when more integrated.
Cécile teaches the Alexander Technique with a unique style developed by her enthusiasm for her work, her compassion for her students, and her ability to communicate with clarity.
She also created the BIA Process™ which stands for Body Intelligence Activation Process™. It refers to her unique way to activate a student postural mechanism even when teaching online and how her work can include heart and soul work for students interested in those dimensions.
The difference between the two pictures below is the student is focused on activating his body intelligence so that the muscles do a minimum amount of work while the torso can stay upright. Holding oneself in what we think is good posture is neither comfortable, nor natural….which is why we lose that forced balanced as fast as we got into it!
Ever had that experience?